31.03.2025 - todays name day is Benjamín

The Editorial Board of VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV (Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Science)

On the 6th July 2020, the Director of VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV (Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Science), JUDr. Milan Brňák, established the Editorial Board of VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV. The tasks and activities of the Editorial Board are governed by its Statutes. PhDr. Pavol Kršák, editor-in-chief of the publishing house, became the chairman of the VEDA Editorial Board.

The following have been appointed as members:
Prof. PaedDr. René Bílik, CSc. – Rector of Trnava University in Trnava, Professor of the Department of Slovak Language and Literature, Faculty of Education of TU in Trnava,
doc. RNDr. Zita Izakovičová, PhD. – Director of the Institute of Landscape Ecology, SAS,
PhDr. Dušan Kováč, DrSc. – researcher, former Director of the Institute of History, SAS,
Prof. PhDr. Jozef Leikert, PhD. – Head of the Department of Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, former speaker and advisor to the President of the Slovak Republic,
doc. RNDr. Karol Nemoga, CSc. – Director of the Institute of Mathematics, SAS,
Jiří Padevět – Head of the Academia Publishing House.

From the 1st April 2021 the following have also been appointed to the VEDA Editorial Board:
RNDr. Igor Broska, DrSc. – researcher at the Geological Division of the Institute of Earth Sciences, SAS,
Ing. Michal Korenko, PhD. – researcher at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SAS,
Prof. PhDr. Silvia Miháliková, PhD. – Deputy Director of the Institute of Sociology, SAS,
RNDr. Oľga Otrubová, PhD. – specialist at the Clinic for Occupational Medicine, Comenius University Faculty of Medicine, employee of the National Toxicological Information Centre,
Mgr. Marek Semelbauer, PhD. – researcher at the Institute of Zoology, SAS,
doc. PhDr. Hana Urbancová, DrSc. – Director of the Institute of Musicology, SAS.


of the VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV (hereinafter “VEDA”), has hereby been established with the intention to increase the degree of objectivity of VEDA’s publishing activities, to ensure that the content of its publications correspond to the most recent trends and results of scientific and research activities, ands to improve the quality of the graphic design of publications.

The VEDA Editorial Board is an advisory body to the Director of VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV.

The chairman of the VEDA Editorial Board is the VEDA editor-in-chief, its members are representatives of the individual research departments of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (inorganic sciences, organic sciences and the social sciences) with an emphasis on those departments with which VEDA has the liveliest cooperation, as well as representatives of non-academic research institutions and educational institutions (universities). The secretary of the VEDA Editorial Board is the secretary of the VEDA editorial team.

The members of the VEDA Editorial Board are appointed by the Director of VEDA from those proposed by the VEDA editor-in-chief.

The Editorial Board shall meet as necessary, however, at minimum once per year, in order to discuss the titles listed in the VEDA editorial schedule with an emphasis on the commercial publications (in addition to the listing of the editorial schedule under the authority of the SAS Editorial Board and the listing of titles offered by the individual institutes of the SAS institutes that have already been approved by their respective research boards). This communication may take place in an electronic form.

The VEDA Editorial Board shall form an opinion with respect to the individual publications proposed by the VEDA editor-in-chief. It will submit proposals and recommend the publication of works that meet the criteria for publication from a specialist or literary perspective.

The Editorial Board members may propose specific books for inclusion in the VEDA editorial schedule and highlight new research and scientific trends in Slovakia and abroad to which VEDA should react through its editorial activity.

Once a year, the Editorial Board shall evaluate the published output of VEDA and propose works that should be rewarded in the Literary Fund’s annual competitions: an Award for Scientific and Specialist Literature, The Most Beautiful Book of Slovakia, etc., as well as an award for the best work in the field of scientific and popular-scientific literature within VEDA Awards for the past year.

The Editorial Board members have the right to receive advance copies of VEDA publications.

Bratislava, on the 6th July 2020 JUDr. Milan Brňák

Director of VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV

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