International arbitration follows its evolutionary path today in order to stay in a top form as the most preferred way of solving international commercial disputes on the globalised commercial and financial markets. It is sophisticated and a technically demanding way of solving complex disputes and as such deserves a lot of attention. It has been a favourable way of international dispute resolution for many years and its knowledge is to the modern lawyers’ advantage. Its success may be well illustrated by the development of its institutional background and a stable increase in disputes, decided by arbitration institutions worldwide. Besides, it is frequently relied on e.g. in the construction sector and an energy sector and it is becoming popular in international project finance transactions too. Although being conceived initially as a classical textbook, the author opted for the form of the telephone directory instead, progressing literally from “A” to “Z” in order to make the book as much user friendly as possible. Therefore, it contains 101 basic terms of international arbitration procedure, explained in the simplest way and sprouting grouped in various numbers, with every group starting with the same letter. Once the readers have been through with them, they ought to be propped up with the basic overview of the current international arbitration procedure.
Doc. JUDr. Vladimír Balaš, CSc.