16.10.2024 - meniny má Vladimíra

Forms of the Bourgeois Class Struggle
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Forms of the Bourgeois Class Struggle

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Dinuš Peter,Dinušová Dominika

ISBN: 978-80-224-2053-2

Vydavateľstvo: VEDA , SAV
Rok vydania: 2024
Počet strán: 240
Väzba: Mäkká
Formát: 152x229mm
Hmotnosť: 354 g
Dostupnosť: Na sklade
E-shop cena s DPH: 8,25
Bežná cena s DPH: 11,00 €

This book contains analyses of various political and ideological expressions of class struggle within the ruling capitalist class during the monopolistic phase of capitalism commonly referred to as imperialism. The authors focus primarily on the post-World War II period. Since 1945, the United States has held a key position and played a significant role in the class struggle of the monopolistic (imperialist) bourgeoisie. The book examines the various forms and manifestations of this class struggle in relation to the coalition of Eastern European socialist countries, with special emphasis on the Latin American countries during the Cold War. Using dialectical materialism as a methodological framework, the authors interpret the Cold War as a counterrevolutionary offensive by imperialism against postwar socialism led by the Soviet Union. At the same time, they view it as resistance to national liberation, democracy, and progressive initiatives to eliminate neocolonialism and promote noncapitalist social structures.

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