16.02.2025 - todays name day is Ida, Liana

A Conceptual and Semantic Analysis of the Qualitative
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A Conceptual and Semantic Analysis of the Qualitative

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Démuth, Andrej - Démuthová Slávka

ISBN: 978-80-224-2028-0

Publisher: VEDA,SAV
Year of publishing: 2023
Number of pages: 168
Binding: Soft
Format: 150X230mm
Weight: 250 g
Availability: Stocked
E-shop price plus VAT: 14,32
Regular price plus VAT: 19,09 €

The collection of studies explores the possibilities of a conceptual and semantic analysis of the qualitative domains of aesthetic and moral emotions. The authors discuss what moral and aesthetic emotions are, what they include and denote, as well as what constitutes their function and structure. Based on Gärdenfors' idea of conceptual spaces, the authors assume the possibility of mapping the structure of different emotional concepts, despite the diversity and complexity of their contents. The studies outline various approaches and methods of semantic research of emotional concepts, as well as examples of interdisciplinary research of selected moral emotions such as anger, admiration and disgust, guilt or feelings and emotions associated with the perception of beauty. The collection represents a thematic and methodological introduction to the systematic interdisciplinary research of human emotionality.

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