08.02.2025 - todays name day is Zoja

Public Licences

The VEDA Publishing House supports the ever-increasing significance of the principle of open access to the published results of scientific research, especially that which is financed from public sources.

Therefore, when concluding licence agreements with authors and publishers, it shall take into account the following principles:
- if a research institute or an author expresses an interest in publishing a work with open access on the Internet, the fee for this manner of publication shall be paid to the publishing house by either the research institute (if the author created the work as part of their employment) or the author (if the work was created outside of their employment relationship)
- when publishing works with open access, VEDA shall abide by the principles of the Creative Commons public licence
- should VEDA not publish a work in an open access form, after one year it shall make it possible for research institutions and individual authors to access the work online in the SAS archive, on the website of the respective research institution or on the author’s personal website

Link to the Creative Commons official site:

Principles of public licence in the Slovak Academy of Sciences:


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