09.03.2025 - todays name day is Františka

Declaration of Ethical Principles in the Publication of Non-periodical Publications

When publishing non-periodical publications, the VEDA Publishing House will abide by the ethical principles that apply to scientific publishing. We have adopted the principles of publication ethics for authors, editors and reviewers that have been set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which has recently opened a discussion on the topic the ethical principles for the publication of non-periodical publications.
(link to COPE – https://publicationethics.org/about/our-organisation)

We only work with those publishing houses that likewise abide by the ethical principles for the publication of non-periodical publications, such as Peter Lang.

(link to Peter Lang – https://www.peterlang.com/page/Publication-Ethics/publication-ethic)

The VEDA Publishing House complies with the SAS Code of Ethics, published by the Slovak Academy of Science on the 9th July 2015, as amended on the 14th June 2018.

(link to the SAV Code of Ethics – https://www.sav.sk/index.php?lang=sk&doc=sas-commi...)

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