17.01.2025 - todays name day is Nataša

  • Posledný termín objednania e-shop objednávky so zárukou zaslania do sviatkov je termín 18.12.2020 do 8:00h. U objednávok prijatých po tomto termíne žiaľ nevieme zaručiť doručenie. Objednávky prijaté po 22.12.´20 odosielame až v roku 2021.
Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences General Business Terms and Conditions

These General Business Terms and Conditions regulate the rights and liabilities of VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences seated at Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 02 Bratislava, Identification Number of Company: 00166758, founded based on the Establishing Act of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (hereafter VEDA) and our clients as ensuing from the purchase contract concluded between VEDA as a seller and client as a buyer via Internet, object of which is purchase of goods via Internet shop (Eshop) located at www.veda.sav.sk website.

Client’s registration

Registering in our Eshop you will receive:
  • Information about the stage of attendance to your orders
  • An overview of so far purchased titles
Any natural person competent of legal acts or a legal person interested in purchase of goods offered at the Internet site www.veda.sav.sk that filled in the registration form and established with us their user profile or accomplished a purchase without registration and quoted their personal data, invoicing and delivery addresses may become our client. Pursuant these General Business Terms and Conditions in certain circumstances client is also a third person assigned by the client (hereafter Authorised Person) in a binding order who is to receive the ordered goods. Quotation of the name of Authorised Person in a binding order is considered an authority to receive the ordered goods.

Ordering and conclusion of contract

Ordering of goods starts by clicking the icon “Add to Bag” next to the selected title of publication and the title will be introduced into the bag. In the next step you can decide either to end the shopping (filling in the prepared form) or to go on shopping. In order to confirm the order click the function “Binding Order” accompanied by information that the order involves payment for the goods. After processing your order you will be sent a confirmation of receipt which will contain the number of order, denomination and specification of the goods, price of the goods and postal fees, way of payment, presumed time necessary for order processing, data about the place of consignment, to the quoted e-mail address. Delivery of the order confirming e-mail means the conclusion of purchase contract or the contract about provision of the electronic content not delivered on a material carrier if the object of the order is an e-book. Your order will be simultaneously archived in section “My Profile” only accessible to you after registration.


The price for a client who orders via Internet is the “Eshop price when purchasing via Eshop” The price is valid at binding ordering and it does not change even if the price of the particular title is reduced or increase in future. All prices of goods and services are final including the corresponding VAT stipulated by the legal provision in force of the Slovak Republic ( for 10 % books and 20 % for other products. The exact tariffs are always quoted in the invoice). Sales prices are valid before the date quoted with the title or until sell-out. Any additional cash discount or those provided pursuant cooperation of our Internet shop with the third parties are not combinable. Prices at Eshop do not necessarily have to agree with those in established stores.

Way of payment
  • Electronic banking (CardPay, VÚB Payments)
  • Cash, payment via card, bank transfer to the account of VEDA
Each consignment is accompanied by invoice, i.e. tax document which also serves as a guarantee and delivery note. In case of the document is missing please inform us as soon as possible by phone or e-mail to vedainfo@savba.sk

Delivery term

Delivery term means number of workdays that lapse between the day when the purchase contract was concluded and the day when the goods are dispatched (passed to the carrier service). Delivery term is approximate, and it depends from the current accessibility of the given title. It moves between one and six workdays. All offered/quoted goods are stocked. The client will agree with an extended delivery term if it is not possible to deliver all ordered goods in agreed term. The client will be informed about this situation and the presumed delivery term as soon as possible. The client may be also offered delivery of alternative goods. If we are not capable of providing the goods in the extended term, client’s right is to withdraw from the contract and all reimbursed funds will be returned to accounts designated by them within 14 days.If you order a sold-out title or it was, for any reasons, withdrawn from the sale list, you will be immediately informed (by phone or by e-mail); the order will be cancelled and in case the price of the order or its part was reimbursed you the amount will be returned to the account of your choice, if not agreed otherwise.Orders are dispatched always on Tuesday.

Place and way of delivery of the goods

The obligation of goods delivery shall be met by the delivery of goods to client or authorised person quoted in the order or by its delivery to the first forwarder for transport. The goods are sent by Slovenská pošta or via DHL currier service as a letter or parcel. For this reason 2 or 3 days necessary for the delivery to client by Slovenská pošta must be added to the delivery term. Goods purchased by Internet order can be also collected directly in our shop on Štefánikova Street No. 3 in Bratislava or on Dúbravská cesta No. 9 Bratislava (on the premises of the Slovak Academy of Science). The price of goods purchased via Eshop remains the same. Collection of the consignment is possible within 15 days counted from the day of the notifying e-mail delivery. You will be informed by e-mail that your order has been consigned to the forwarder or that it is prepared for personal collection in our shop. If the goods have not been delivered within 7 days after our e-mail, contact us and your post office. Any available information about the consignment and possible reasons of failed delivery after due verifications will be sent to you by e-mail. The current stand of attendance to your order is always available at the section “My profile” at the www.veda.sav.sk website.The client is obliged to take over the goods at an agreed place and time personally or to provide for its receipt. In case the goods are collected at the shop, client confirms the collection on the invoice which is simultaneously the delivery not, accountancy document and guarantee. The obligation of delivery of the goods is also met in case the client does to take over the goods in agreed place and time or if he refuses to take it over. If the goods are returned to us, it is our right to withdraw from the purchase contract and to require reimbursement of the cost ensuing from the return (postal fees). Repeated delivery is only possible after previous agreement. We are not responsible for delayed delivery of goods caused by the forwarders (Slovenská pošta, currier) or incurred address of the consignee. The client assumes the property right to the goods by its acceptance at the place of delivery and complete reimbursement of purchase price. Acceptance of the goods by client also means assumption of responsibility for incidental damage and deterioration.

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