11.02.2025 - todays name day is Dezider

EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE /Political and security practices
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EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE /Political and security practices

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Marchuk, Vasyl - Dudkevych, Vasyl

ISBN: 978-80-568-0504-6

Publisher: Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, spoločné pracovisko Trn. univ. a VEDY, vydavateľstva SAV
Year of publishing: 2022
Number of pages: 144
Binding: Soft
Format: 147x210mm
Weight: 199 g
Availability: Stocked
E-shop price plus VAT: 12,17
Regular price plus VAT: 16,23 €

After gaining independence in 1991, Ukraine gravitated towards the European way of governance and values in its vision of prospects. Europeanness as a civilizational marker is characteristic of Ukraine historically, geographically, and increasingly mentally – to the extent that Ukrainians defended the western vector of the country's development during the Revolution of Dignity, and then on the eastern fronts, repelling Russian military aggression. To harmonize spatial European belonging with the experience of democratic construction, to form an open competitive economy and parity relations with equal political partners – the content of the Europeanization of Ukraine's aspirations to find its place in the international arena. Despite external resistance and internal speculations, Ukraine has consistently demonstrated its intentions to become part of a united Europe. The policy of European integration as a generalized factor of modernization of socio-political and economic relations in the state is gradually embodied in systemic reforms, adopted strategies, signed bilateral agreements, etc. At the same time, European integration changes require the specification of contents, clear contours of actions, the sequence of which over time results in Ukraine's acquisition of membership in the European Union.


Prof.Orest Krasivsky, Doctor (PhD hab.)
Prof. Yurii Ostapets, Doctor (PhD hab.)

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