08.02.2025 - todays name day is Zoja


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Strauch, Oto

ISBN: 978-80-224-1734-1

Publisher: VEDA a ACADEMIA Nakladatelství
Year of publishing: 2019
Number of pages: 592
Binding: Hard
Format: 170x240mm
Weight: 1085 g
Availability: Stocked
E-shop price plus VAT: 14,32
Regular price plus VAT: 19,09 €

The present monograph focuses on the distribution properties of
a sequence. This distribution we shall identify with the set of all
distribution functions of a such sequence. The importance of this
set is resulting from the fact that most properties of a sequence
expressed in terms of limiting processes may be characterized by
using this set. Part of the results listed in this book were presented
at the conferences in Vienna 1996, Graz 1998, Marseilles 2008,
Strobl 2010, Smolenice 2012, Ostravice 2014, Sopron 2016 and
in author’s Unsolved Problems published in 2013. This book is
also a supplement of the previous monograph of the author and
Š. Porubský, Distribution of Sequences: A Sampler, Peter Lang,
2005, which is an encyclopedia of sequences but it does not contain
proofs of theorems which are contained in the present book.
Oto Strauch is a member of the research staff of Mathematical
Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences since 1986. His current
field of interest is the theory of optimization with the emphasis on
the theory of distribution functions of sequences. He is also one of
the founders of the Uniform Distribution Theory journal, published
by BOKU (Vienna) and MI SAS (Bratislava) and printed by VEDA

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