15.01.2025 - todays name day is Dobroslav

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(Extended) Modal Realism and Philosophical Analysis

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Vacek, Martin

ISBN: 978-80-224-1825-6

Publisher: VEDA SAV
Year of publishing: 2020
Number of pages: 104
Binding: Soft
Format: 146x210mm
Weight: 150 g
Availability: Stocked
E-shop price plus VAT: 9,23
Regular price plus VAT: 12,31 €

This book has been finished at the Institute of Philosophy of Slovak Academy of Sciences. Here, my gratitude goes to members of the Logic, Epistemology and Metaphysics of Fiction band. Namely, I thank to D. Glavaničová, M. Kosterec, N. Osorio Kupferblum, M. Pascucci, M. Sambrota, D. Zeman an M. Zouhar.


Prof. PhDr. Eugen Andreanský, PhD.
Adám Tuboly, PhD.

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